Monday, February 8, 2010

Nutrition Time - The Introduction

Today I met with my new nutrition guru. As part of my personal training package, I get a discount on nutrition counseling. Actually I get 4 weeks free, which is a discount on a 12 week package. Since I need all the help I can get - I figured I'd sign up for the whole 12 weeks and take advantage. I've been doing the diet to go - which is good. But I need to work on two things - eating properly for the amount of exercise I'm doing and eating cleaner.

So for our session we talked for about 20 min about my family history, food likes and food dislikes. A big part of the convo was discussing what my barriers were to healthy eating. I told him the truth - taste and travel. I get tired of bland ass healthy food sometimes. And when on the road I really struggle. Luckily, he actually travels a LOT for work - which is awesome. I have never had someone to talk to about nutrition that travels a lot. People that don't travel a lot have no clue how to eat healthy on the road. When you spend hours in airports, it's not as easy to find a healthy meal. Especially at some of the smaller airports (hello El Paso with your Starbucks, Pizza Hut, and Carlos y Mikey's). But that will be a huge help.

After the discussion, he took my weight (which while high - considering I was fully dressed in jeans and a long sleeve shirt AND shoes - was def showing some improvement) and body fat. We will be doing this every 2 weeks for the 12 weeks of the planning. This info will be used to tweak the program to make it more effective. I really like the fact that my body readings will be used to make sure the program is reaching it's full potential.

The only downside to all this is the fact that I have to follow a strict written program. I have to call to make swaps. But I'm trying to frame it as a really hard core learning period. I will come out of this smart on making my own eating plan and hopefully quite a few lbs lighter :) I'll keep you updated on how this program is working for me!

And in other health/nutrition news - Trainer Amy is still kicking my rear end good!


  1. Since I can't afford to do a personal trainer with nutrition program (but would if I could!), I'm going to try a free option. We'll see how it goes. It's called

  2. Sweet! You should write a post about how it works ;)
