Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Torturer

Have you heard of this stepmill thing? No? Because I hadn't. Yeah, I heard of a stair climber, but this is a more evil torture device...I mean exercise machine. It's basically a never ending column of stairs that you climb, and keep climbing, otherwise you fall off the cliff. I know it sounds just like a stairclimber...but there is a difference, trust me!

Torture Device - Code Name "StepMill"

Anyway, my trainer, Trainer Amy, likes this thing...a lot. My cardio Rx includes 3 hot dates a week with the stepmill - and she likes to throw it in our sessions. Trainer Amy says that it burns 2-3 times the calories as the treadmill in half the time, and according to my bodybugg, she's right. Tonight was my second appointment with the equipment from hell and as did intervals between levels 1 and 2. Because that's how out of shape I am hard this machine is. And I was pouring sweat and hurting after just 20 minutes. So I guess that means it's working - which is what I pay her the big bucks for.

Tomorrow is my second appointment with Trainer Amy and I'm excited to see what pain she has in store for me. I'm going to be out of town every single day next week and in two different states - so I'm also going to ask her for a plan for while I'm gone.

1 comment:

  1. they have this at my gym and i haven't tried seems intimidating. but burns calories in half the time? i at least gotta try it.
