Monday, March 8, 2010

My Cheating Ways

This weekend is where the inevitable wall hits. That place where eating right just seems stupid when there is delicious PIZZA to be had. See I don't know if ya'll know - I have a major issue when it comes to pizza. I love it. True story - I asked my fiance if we could have pizza delivered to the wedding reception . Or have caterers make a pizza buffet.

So you see - I'm a true fan of a delicious perfectly topped pizza.

And I totally gave in yesterday. Ugh. It's okay, as I'm allowed a cheat meal occasionally (and you don't get more cheat then Kim + PIZZA). But it's also hard because I'm the kind of person that usually takes a few days to get over a cheat meal. I'm trying to change that. And get back on the wagon ASAP. With my lunch I brought to work and my protein shakes and snacks. But it's hard, because having PIZZA reminds me of all the goodness I do *not* have in my very organic meals. Cooking with out all the processed sauces and salt (you don't realize how awesome salt is until you can't use it) is really bland. And having all that flavor is making me realize that because my lunch was just not hitting the spot today.

So I'm going to do some research - and treat myself to a food book on how to season food better. It's not easy seasoning food w/ no salt and marinade and I'm just getting bored - which is making that wall really hard to get over. I found a book called the Flavor Bible and I think I may have to snatch it up. If I'm going to eat clean for life - Ms. Dash isn't going to permanently cut the bill for my chicken and potato and rice flavoring. And definitely for fish - I'm about lemon peppered out.

Instead of beating myself up about my cheating ways, I'm going to instead learn from them. The fact of the matter is that I need to figure out how to add more flavor profiles to my food so I'm not so bored. And I need to kick some major behind at the gym. I'm on my own this week - my trainer is out of town. So she's sending me workouts via electrons so I can stay on track. My next scheduled workout is a DOOZY, but I'm excited to get it in. I actually think I *may* take tonight off though (I know, talk about talking out of both sides of my mouth) because I have my most awesome aunt in town from the D and this is really the only night I can meet up with her before she heads back home. And I have to go to pick up some crafty goodness from the other side of the county. She did say she was interested in working out though - so if she is still up for a butt kicking workout, I'll drag her with me. If not, then we'll just catch up as I haven't been home or seen her since AUGUST!!

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